Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


It was really nice this past weekend, so we headed to the Elementary school to play on the playground equipment.  We thought it would be better than the park, as it wouldn't be muddy and the toys were more Aiden's size.

Excited to go outside!

Daddy's excited, too!

Got his cool shades on!

Running to the playgound

So independent

Daddy had to play around as well

Worn out after all the fun

Staring out the window at the cars

Talking to Elmo about the trucks outside.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


We've received quite a bit of rain here over the last 2 weeks, especially last Wednesday and Thursday, with it raining almost all day and night.  We even had school canceled on Friday, as two of the main roads to school were flooded.

Our back little 'pond'.

A house along our route to school.

A tree farm along the way to school.

This is coming North on Hwy 1, South of town (from the golf course).  At the bottom of the hill is where the road flooded the next day.

So much water!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Photo Shoot with Daddy

Aiden was dressed up (again in his Easter outfit) and Doug took the opportunity to take some pictures of him:

My model- haha

Easter Weekend: At Home

We came home Sunday so we could enjoy a lazy day at home on Monday.

If Aiden had his way- he's just wear his boots!

He's telling me he doesn't want to wear his shoes.

The Cub's were playing that day, and even though it was not nearly warm enough,
Daddy had to dress Aiden in his Cub's gear.

Outside riding on his 'bike' from Uncle Mike.

He hasn't yet learned how to steer... so Mommy has to walk along side him or else he just goes in circles.  Not easy on one's back!

Easter Weekend: Cedar Falls

On Saturday morning we headed over to Cedar Falls for a one-night stay.

Dying Easter Eggs with Grandma and Grandpa.

Ain't he cute?!?

I said 'Smile' and this is what I got...

Watching patiently

The adults hard at work coloring their eggs

Aiden was allowed to 'gently' place the eggs into the dye

Aiden got bored with the eggs, so he started playing peek-a-boo


The next morning Aiden got to explore his Easter basket.
A Grandma-created Elmo/puppy book and an Sesame Coloring Book

In his Sunday best :)

Hiding from Grandpa...

I don't want to wear the bunny ears

Carrying his basket to find more eggs.

Of course, the inevitable happens... the basket tips and all the eggs come out.

Coloring with Grandpa