Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Aiden Smiling

This morning Aiden was all smiles.  Every time I would say cute, he'd smile.  Of course, by the time we tried recording it, he wasn't as smiley.  You can still see a few smiles though.  And also his best impersonation of a snake.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Photo Shoot by Aunt Ashley

Ashley came and visited us from June 20-22.  She got to hang with her nephew Aiden, take in one of Doug's slow pitch softball games, and spend time with her sister!  We really love all the pictures she took- they're awesome!!

Uncle Jeff

Uncle Jeff came to visit June 17th-19th.  He made the long trip from California.  He brought Aiden some new Cubbies gear, including an outfit, slippers, a pacifier, and a bottle opener (it might be awhile before he can use the bottle opener).  He also gave Aiden his first Lego set.  Unfortunately the ages are 6-12 on it, so it will be awhile before he can play with it.  That didn't stop Dad though, as he put one of the vehicles together.  I put my foot down and limited him to only putting the one vehicle together; it is Aiden's toy.

Uncle Jeff and Aiden cuddling

Trip to Eldora/Aiden's Baptism

After our visit to Cedar Falls, we continued on to Eldora for a few days.

On June 12th, Aiden Douglas Goodenbour was baptized into God's family.  We were doubly blessed to have my grandfather baptize him.  His sponsors are my sister and brother-in-law, Ashley and Levi Anderson;  Doug's brother, Jeff Goodenbour; and our family friend, Megan Weeks.  Family was able to visit (including Linda, Taylor, and Jacob Stark from Missouri at the last minute!) and we had a good time in Eldora.  We even were able to sneak away to play 18 holes of golf (had to split it into two 9 hole trips)!

Apparently I have no pictures of the baptism (we forgot our camera, but someone else has pictures).  Here a few pictures of family with Aiden.

Great-Grandma Marlene and Aiden.

Staring up at Great-Grandma

Second Cousin Jacob

 Great Aunt Linda (the keenest Aunt)

Second Cousin Taylor
(I can't figure out how to rotate the picture...)

Friday, June 24, 2011

Trip to Cedar Falls

On Thursday, June 9th, we headed to Cedar Falls to stay with Doug's parents.  This was Aiden's longest car ride and he did great!  Slept the whole time.

Doug putting together Grandma and Grandpa Goodenbour's bouncy seat for Aiden.

Great-Grandma Dorothy and Aiden.

Great-Aunt Tammy

 'Uncle' Mike

Doing stretches with Grandma
(this may have been posed)

First few days at home

Family photo before we leave the hospital.
Aiden is one week old.

"Mom, haven't you taken enough pictures of me?" - Aiden
First car ride.

"I'm not exactly sure how I feel about this bouncy seat."

"I am soooo big."

 First bath at home.  He didn't really like it.

All bundled up to go out for lunch.  It was surprisingly chilly.

Monday, June 6, 2011

All about Aiden

Hello, Daddy

Look at my muscles!

Bright Eyed

Wiped out!

BIG yawn

Ain't I cute in my monkey onesie?!?

The hat didn't fit on his big head.

Some of our Visitors

Grandma Deb

Great-Grandma Carolyn

Great-Grandpa Dick


Grandpa Steve

Somehow my mom was here for 4 days but I don't have a single picture of the two of them!!

Welcome Baby Aiden!

Aiden Douglas Goodenbour
May 29, 2011, 7:30 pm
7 lbs  ~  20 3/4 inches

On Sunday, May 29th, I woke up about 4:30 in the morning with contractions.  I thought to myself, "These are something new- I just might be in labor!"  I woke Doug up at 5:30 and said I think we're going to have a baby today.  It was a rainy day and we laid around in bed until about 9.  In anticipation of being gone a few days, I dictated my sub plans for the last days of school to Doug and he typed them up for me.  I also did some homework for my Grad class (I know, just what I should be doing when in labor).  At about 10:30, the contractions were getting stronger and I decided to take a bath (my first in about 7 years!).  This helped a bit, but I was still uncomfortable.  We decided around 11:00 we should probably go to the hospital.  It took us about a half an hour to shower/finish packing things.  As Doug loaded the car, I decided I was hungry, and, surprise, had some cereal.  We left for the hospital at about 12:30, stopping to get Doug some lunch on the way.

I had called in to the hospital on the drive, so they were expecting us.  When we got there, I changed into a very flattering hospital gown and was checked for dilation.  I was about 2 cm dilated.  The nurse had me walk around the floor for an hour to see if that would dilate me further, as I wasn't quite far enough to be admitted.  After a very boring (and uncomfortable) hour of walking, I had progressed to 3 cm.  She called the doctor on-call (Dr. Wenzel) to see if I should be admitted or sent home.  (I didn't say anything, but I was not going home.  If I had to, I would have sat down in the waiting room- I was in pain and knew this was time.)  Fortuntaely, Dr. Wenzel decided that I was making good progress and should stay.  I sat around for about a half an hour and decided to get in the whirpool (my second bath in 7 years!).  While in there, I heard a pop and thought my water broke- unfortunately I couldn't tell as I was sitting in water.  The contractions started to intensify and I decided to get back in bed.  Dr. Wenzel arrived and checked me out.  My water had broken and I was now 5-6 cm dilated.  After 30 minutes of contractions, I decided that I could not handle the pain and requested an epidural.  Unfortunately, just because you request it at a certain time, it does not mean you get it at that time.  About 15 minutes (and some painful contractions later) the anesthesiologist came in placed the epidural.  I did not even feel her place it and the relief was immediate.  I was able to relax and was now 7 cm dilated.  Doug decided to go move the car and get something to eat. About 5 minutes after he left (at 6:25 pm), Dr. Wenzel decided to give me to Oxytocin (to intensify the contractions).  I text him to let him know.  Four minutes later, Dr. Wenzel examined me again and I was 9 cm dilated.  It was about time to push!  I quickly text Doug and said, "You better get back here!" He returned without having time to get anything to eat and I started pushing.

Doug assumed a position next to me.  After about 10 minutes of pushing, I noticed that Doug was really pale, cold and sweating.  I asked if he felt alright.  The nurses looked at him and told him he better sit down.  They went and got him a sandwich, chips and apple juice.  While he was eating, I kept on pushing.  He finished the food and looked much better.  Another 10 minutes went by and again Doug wasn't looking so good.  This time he had a ringing in his ear.  He sat down again and I pushed for the last few minutes.  After about 45 total minutes of pushing, Aiden Douglas Goodenbour was born at 7:30 pm.  He came out screaming, announcing his arrival.  He also came out peeing, and managed to hit Dr. Wenzel, a nurse, and me.  As they went to get his vitals, he pooped on another nurse. Aiden's first visitors were Grandma and Grandpa Goodenbour.  After an hour or so, we were moved to our recovery room.