Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Looking out the window and Rainbows

Doug was out mowing (we finally got enough rain for the grass to grow!) and Aiden loved watching out the window.

"Let me have the camera, Mom"

My little gymnast.  I wasn't quick enough to get him STANDING on the window sill,

We also went outside and played in the sprinkler.  Aiden got a sprinkler toy that sprays water in weird directions that we played with.  He wasn't too sure of it- and the water was cold!

This is Aiden watching the rain (as you can see by his wet outfit, he went outside with Daddy to investigate). 

The beautiful rainbow during/after the rain.

It's kind of hard to see, but it was a double rainbow.

Wrestling with Mommy

Aiden has been very cuddly lately- wanting to always be sitting on or near me.


Sitting in things...

Aiden's tunnel folds up and he seems to be enjoying it more this way!  He also loves to sit in his buckets.

Such a cheeser!!

Picnic Table

Grandma and Grandpa Ritter got a picnic table for Aiden and we've decided to use it as an indoor table.

How do I get under there?

I'll try this way.

Made it!

Now- how do I get out?

Watching tv and having a snack

Sweet Corn

We've given Aiden corn off the cob before (I'd cut it off for him), but never corn on the cob.  When I was outside shucking the corn- Aiden would take the corn and try to bite it, so we decided to let him try it on his own (cooked of course). He loved it!

Eating some tater tots, too.

More Kitties

A few really little kitties have made their way to our deck and Aiden couldn't be happier!

A message from Aiden:  zssZSDFSD

Trying to find some shade

3 of them!

Can I touch them?