Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Friday, June 22, 2012


Some of you are aware that I am doing a externship (similar to an internship but for educators) this summer.   I am getting paid and I am also earning grad credit for it- pretty great deal!  As part of the credit, I have to maintain a blog about what I'm doing.  So, if you're interested, check it out:
Here's a little preview:

Bitten and the Blind Man

Well, I've signed a few incident reports from daycare before- he fell down, or pushed another kid, or scratched someone.  But this day I had to sign one because of something someone else did to him.  Aiden got bit!  When the daycare worker said she had a form for me to sign, I said, "Oh great." She said, "it wasn't him this time." Hahaha.  They treated it with ice and TLC (tender loving care) and he was fine.

His first bite mark.

"I'm fine, Mom"

This past week we bought Doug a bike and also a cart to pull Aiden behind.  Aiden loves to play with anything he shouldn't, so here he is with the two sticks that go on either side of the bike cart.  It looked like the stick a blind person would use.

Hi!!! And look at those teeth!

Kalona Days Parade

The weekend of the 5k was Kalona Days.  As most towns do when they have their annual celebration- they have a parade.  Doug had to work, so Aiden and I went to the parade.  He loved it.  Especially the other kids running around.  The only problem was he thought he had the freedom to run wild in the street.

Sitting in his chair, waiting for the parade to start.

Is that it?


Eating some cheerios

His prized catch- candy! Mommy and Daddy enjoyed it.

Quarantined to his stroller after he ran into the street too many times.

Lounging- he was tired and it was hot!

One worn out babe!


Yeah us! Doug and I ran a 5K one week ago and I'm proud to say we finished!  We only walked about 6 times for 30 seconds to a minute, but we never stopped!  Maybe, just maybe, we'd run another and try to run the whole thing... maybe.  Some friends of ours down here (Chris and Kelly) had Aiden along the route so he could cheer us on.

Aiden did not want to pose for the picture.

We did it- and it was hot!  The race was at 7pm and it was so muggy!  You can kind of see in the background- the sky is dark and a storm was sneaking in.  We got home before it really rained.

Here are few pictures of Aiden before we went to the race.  Being cute as always!

Eating his last few cheerios while sitting on the tray.

"Are you talking to me?!"


Inflatable Swimming Pool

Aiden got an inflatable swimming pool from Grandma and Grandpa Ritter for is birthday.  Here was one attempt at blowing it up... (and yes, it's almost one month after his birthday and we haven't blown it up yet)

Aiden helping blow

"Here Daddy, let me help!"

Doug using his lungs

"Here Daddy- try this pump."

"I love climbing on the pool!"

Alright, enough of that- off to play with my popper!

Sunday, June 3, 2012


We got Aiden a few hats to wear when we go outside and he loves them!  He doesn't try to take them off immediately, and when he does, he tries to put them back on.  So cute!


Birthday Party

On the 28th, we had family and friends over to celebrate Aiden's 1st birthday! I can't believe he's already a year old!  I remember his 'birth' day like it was yesterday...

Playing on the iPad with Megan, Great-Grandma Ritter, and Aunt Ashley

A few of our guests...

Digging in to the cupcake

He was tired and rubbed his eyes... hence the eyebrows full of cupcake.

After a bath, with the cake for everybody else.

A present from Mike... Mommy likes this better than a real motorcycle!

"Hi Kinley- can I have your bottle?"

Some of the decorations.  It's hard to see, but these are picture from each month of his first year.

I made a collage of cards we received at showers or when he was born.  It was neat to go back and reread the cards.

A picture of Aiden.

Some of his daycare artwork.

Presents- Aiden playing with some of his new toys!