Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Friday, January 13, 2012

Ritter Christmas

We traveled to Eldora the day after Christmas to spend it with my family.  Fortunately this year the roads were clear- in fact there was no snow in sight!

Aiden opening a present with Grandma- books!

Helping Grandma open her present- muffin tins.

Me taking a picture of Ashley taking a picture of me taking a picture of Ashley taking a picture of me taking a picture of Ashley taking a picture of me taking a picture of Ashley taking a picture of me taking a picture of Ashley taking a picture of me... :)

Doug got the cologne he wanted- and it was a surprise!!

YEAH! Diapers!!

Sisters, sisters...

Levi enjoying himself.

Ashley relaxing.

"Hey mom, did you want something? I'm busying playing with this box."

Which toy to choose?!?

"Ooh, what's this toy?"

Doug got a ladder- yeah!

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