Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Aiden crawls through the table.

I was washing dishes in the kitchen and Aiden thought he'd join me.  Did he take the most direct route? No. I look over and he his stuck under our coffee table.  By the time I got the camera, he was already almost over.  I was still pretty impressed that he got his legs over!

Loving the Kitchen Floors

Aiden was playing in the living room and decided he'd had enough of that room.  So he drug himself over to the kitchen floors.  And wow did he think they were neat!  He loved the sound of his hands slapping the floor.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Aiden and the Mirror

Aiden was playing in our room and discovered the floor length mirror.  He was so captivated by his new 'friend.'

'Kisses' aka licking the mirror.

"You looking at me?"

"Hi Mommy!"

"I see you!"

Such a happy boy!

Curling my tongue.

Pretty blue eyes.

Holding hands with himself.

Nuzzling the friend in the mirror.

I like my new friend.

"Are you tired? Because I'm tired."

Telling secrets...

Helping with laundry

Aiden has been very 'helpful' lately.  He loves the laundry basket, and he tries to use it to stand up.  Here are a couple pictures of Aiden helping...

"Hey Mom, look what I found!"

"I think I can use this to stand up..."

"Well, that didn't work out. Oh well!"

"I made a mess!"

Daddy got all the laundry put back in the basket.

Sitting in the Crib

Now that Aiden can sit himself up, we have to worry about what he can get into.  The other day he was fussing after we put him down for a nap, so I went to check on him.  To my surprise, he was just sitting in his crib, see below.  I of course called Doug in to witness and we both decided it was time to lower the crib.  Here's a few picture of Aiden 'chilli

"Get me out of here!"


Aiden loves cords!  If he sees a cord, he immediately heads for it- even if it's not in an easy to reach area.  A few days ago he had a cord in his hands, and as I went to pull it out of his hands, he grabbed on tighter.  He then pulled himself up to standing, as if he was skiing.  It was too cute.  Here are a couple shots of him going for the cords.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Aiden reading a book

Aiden loves books.  Reading them, eating them, and especially turning the pages.  Here he is reading his book (upside down).

Aiden Chattering

Aiden has been more and more vocal.  Here he is talking to himself.

Aiden Standing

Aiden is loving pulling himself up.  He even tries to grab things that don't support his weight, like blankets.  Here he is using his toy to stand up.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Aiden crawling

Right now Aiden does an army crawl, just dragging his feet behind him.  He is now learning to crawl on his knees. He's not very graceful, as you can see, but he's learning.  He has also taught himself to sit up from crawling.  I didn't even see the practice to this- he just started doing it!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Ritter Christmas

We traveled to Eldora the day after Christmas to spend it with my family.  Fortunately this year the roads were clear- in fact there was no snow in sight!

Aiden opening a present with Grandma- books!

Helping Grandma open her present- muffin tins.

Me taking a picture of Ashley taking a picture of me taking a picture of Ashley taking a picture of me taking a picture of Ashley taking a picture of me taking a picture of Ashley taking a picture of me taking a picture of Ashley taking a picture of me... :)

Doug got the cologne he wanted- and it was a surprise!!

YEAH! Diapers!!

Sisters, sisters...

Levi enjoying himself.

Ashley relaxing.

"Hey mom, did you want something? I'm busying playing with this box."

Which toy to choose?!?

"Ooh, what's this toy?"

Doug got a ladder- yeah!

Goodenbour Family Christmas

We were fortunate to be able to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with Doug's family.  We open presents and have the traditional coffee cake and egg bake- delicious!!

Happy with Uncle Jeff

My Christmas outfit for the day, "Ho, Ho, Ho!"

Opening up presents from my stocking.                                                                  

Wearing my stocking on my head.

Wearing my Santa hat.

With Great-Grandma Dorothy.

Uncle Jeff wearing my hat.

Opening a present with Grandpa Bruce.


Mommy and Aiden looking very intently at something.

Jeff got a Star Wars Lego set for Christmas, so of course, he and Doug had to put it together.

Very intently reading the instructions.

Happy boy!

Uncle Jeff snuck this outfit on Aiden during a diaper change.  Go Iowa State...wait, what?!?