Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Brushing teeth and Wrestling with Daddy

We had Aiden's 9-month check-up last week (a few weeks late) and he is doing great! He's in the 93rd percentile for length (he's going to be tall!) and the 50th percentile for weight (I guess he's not as much as a chunk as I thought he was...).  His pediatrician also recommended we start wiping off Aiden's gums and teeth before bed each night.  We got this little finger tooth brush and he LOVED it!

Aiden loves to crawl under and over things, including Daddy!  Here is is wrestling with Daddy.

"I'm the King of the Daddy!"

"Take that Daddy!"

Visit from Grandma and Grandpa Goodenbour

Grandma and Grandpa Goodenbour came to visit for a few days.  They came Thursday and were able to pick Aiden up from day care.  Then they watched Aiden all day on Friday.  The got some good bonding time in!

With G & G G.

Loving his walks!

Aiden loves to sit in his own yard chair.
Sitting next to Daddy in their chairs.

He was wearing an Iowa State outfit because they were playing that day.

Bath Time

Aiden really loves his bath time- a SPLASHING!

Big splashes!

Lotion time!

"Give me that camera"

Let me see those teeth! - By the way, Aiden now has 4 teeth, 2 on the top and 2 on the bottom.

"No- I don't want to show you!"

Aiden and his Walker

Grandma and Grandpa Ritter got Aiden this walker/lawn mower toy for Christmas.  Up until now, he's really only been able to play with the shapes that go in the front.  We've tried to get him to walk behind it with our help, but he hasn't wanted to.  Until today...  the video is a little long, but it was too funny, I couldn't stop filming.

Aiden's Easter Eggs

Aiden's new favorite toy is ... plastic Easter eggs.  We've put Cheerios in them for an extra surprise.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Dr. Seuss' Birthday (Yesterday)

Yesterday was Dr. Seuss' birthday and Aiden dressed up for the event in his Cat in the Hat pajamas.

It's a hidden picture... Can you find Aiden??

Trying to escape the living room...

And he made it through!

Ooh, diapers!

Boy on the Go!

Aiden is very mobile.  He can crawl anywhere he wants and quickly! He is also pulling himself up on anything that even looks like it might support his weight.

Cuddle Bug

Aiden was feeling cuddly, so we had to take some pictures of him and mommy.

Going for a Walk

It was such a beautiful day last Sunday that we just had to go for a walk.  Of course it wasn't too warm out, so we bundled Aiden up.  He enjoyed it!


Aiden found the box of Kleenex on the end table.  He pulled it down and discovered magical tissue inside.  He could rip the tissue into little pieces.  I let him rip a couple, but then I stopped them once he tried to eat it.